Showing 1–24 of 130 results

A-01 슈마이/Shumai(6pcs)

蒸餃(豬肉&牛肉)/Boiled pork, beef & vegetable dumpling    

A-03 물만두/Mul Mandu

蒸餃(豬肉&牛肉)/Boiled pork, beef & vegetable dumpling


辣椒煎餅/Korean pepper pancake with vegetable stuffing

A-10 잡채/Japche

炒粉絲(海鮮,牛肉)/Sweet Potato starch noodles stir fried with vegetables with vegetables Choice of seafood or beef

A-11 떡볶이/Topokki

辣炒年糕/Sweet and spicy rice cake in gochujang(Chili paste) sauce

B-04 매운 닭구이/Maeun Dak Gui

辣烤雞肉/Boneless chicken marinated in our special spicy sauce

B-05 돼지 불고기/Dwaeji Bulgogi

辣烤豬肉/Pork tenderloin marinated in our spicy gochujang(chili paste) sauce

B-07 불고기/BULGOGI

烤牛肉片Thinly sliced rib eye marinated in our special sauce